READING /10 pts


    British airways ground staff returned to work yesterday after a strike on Friday and Saturday left thousands of passengers on the ground. The strike at the Heathrow Airport led to the cancellation of more than 500 flights.

    Heathrow is the world`s busiest international airport, and long queues formed as passengers arrived for cancelled flights. Hundreds of them were unable to find hotel accommodation and spent Friday night in the terminal. The strike continued on Saturday and cancellation also affected people scheduled to return to Heathrow from destinations all over Europe.

    BA ground staff called the strike because of proposed new working conditions. Passengers criticized BA`s response to the strike. They complained that no staff were available to help people. Angry travellers also asked why no senior managers were present. According to the Union representative, the staff later returned to work, as a `gesture of goodwill`.

    One family, the Condies, were on their way to Spain for their daughter`s wedding. They said they now expected to arrive for the ceremony 48 hours too late, after saving for more than a year in order to pay for the trip. Many other passengers had a similar story to tell.

    A British Airway spokesperson said the company hoped to restore normal service as soon as possible, but that there were problems because of the backlog of cancelled flights. Shares in the company fell by 3.9% on the London stock market on Monday morning and experts estimate losses of over £10 million per day in revenue as a result of the strike.

    Pročitajte gornji tekst i odgovorite na sljedeća pitanja punim odgovorom. /5 pts

    1. What caused the cancellation of the flights?

    2. Why did some passengers sleep in the airport?

    3. Were only the people at Heathrow affected?

    4. What happened to shares in BA?

    5. How much did the strike cost the company?

    Dopunite definicije sa jednom od riječi iz teksta: TROUBLES FOR OVER 80.000 PASSENGERS. /5 pts

    1. are lines of people waiting for something; for example, at the check-out in a supermarket.

    2. A of work, for example, is when work accumulates because you can’t do it fast enough.

    3. When something is , it is part of a programme or timetable.

    4. The money coming into a company is .

    5. is similar to reaction and is the noun from the verb respond.


    Dopunite rečenice glagolom TO BE u odgovarajućem obliku (Present Simple). /3 pts

    1. I 25 years old.

    2. He a doctor.

    3. They happy.

    Upotrijebite u rečenici ‘there is’ ili ‘there are’: /3 pts

    1. three windows in the room.

    2. an apple on the table?

    3. children in the park.

    Upišite ‘some’ ili ‘any’ u rečenice! /3 pts

    1. Are there bananas on the table?

    2. There are melons on the shelf.

    3. There isn’t milk left.

    Napišite oblike prisvojnih pridjeva i objekatskih zamjenica. /7 pts

    Lična zamjenicaPridjevZamjenica


    1. You

    2. He

    3. She

    4. It

    5. We

    6. You

    7. They

    Napišite odgovarajuće oblike pridjeva u komparativu i superlativu: /3 pts

    1. tall

    2. heavy

    3. interesting

    Napišite prepozicije (in, on, at, to, from) na odgovarajuća mjesta. /5 pts

    1. I waited for Lucy the station.

    2. She was born 1997.

    3. I never go out Sundays.

    4. Say it English!

    5. I am Bosnia, take me America.

    Napišite prošle oblike glagola (Past Simple, Past Participle): /5 pts

    InfinitivePast SimplePast Participle

    1. to have

    2. to be

    3. to eat

    4. to do

    5. to live

    Upotrijebite RELATIVNE ZAMJENICE (who, which, whose, where) u rečenicama: /4 pts

    1. The eggs you’ve bought are bad.

    2. The neighbourhood we live is safe.

    3. The man lives across the street is famous singer.

    4. The girl poem I read is still in high school.

    Upotrijebite MODALNE GLAGOLE u skladu sa značenjem u rečenicama. (can, must, may/might, have to, would) /3 pts

    1. I'm in terrible shape! I exercise more!

    2. My trainer says I'm in terrible shape. According to him I exercise more.

    3. you handle this much work on a regular basis?

    Dopunite rečenice /6 pts

    1. How many people in your family?
    a) are theyb) is itc) are thered) is

    2. What time is it? .
    a) Ten and a quarterb) Ten minus the quarterc) A quarter past tend) Fifteen after ten o'clock

    3. How much where you live?
    a) do houses costb) does houses costc) does cost housesd) do cost houses

    4. What in London last weekend?
    a) you were doingb) did you doc) you didd) did you

    5. Is your English improving? .
    a) I hope itb) Hopingc) I hope sod) I hope

    6. Oxford is the most attractive city .
    a) I've ever seenb) that I seec) I've never seend) that I saw already

    Dopunite rečenice ispravnim oblicima glagola: Simple Present / Present Continuous / Past Simple / Past Continuous Tense /4 pts

    1. He (watch) this film once in a month.

    2. Help! The aliens (come)!

    3. Last night I (sleep) in my cabin when I (hear) a terrible noise.

    4. Our relatives (arrive) tomorrow.

    Dopunite rečenice ispravnim oblicima glagola: Present Perfect / Past Perfect Tense /3 pts

    1. She (break) her leg.

    2. Before my trip to Paris two years ago, I (never be) to France.

    3. When we finally stopped him, the squirrel (already eat) five cookies.

    Dopunite rečenice ispravnim oblicima glagola: Future Tense / Going to Future /3 pts

    1. It's hot in here, I think turn on the air conditioner.

    2. It was nice to talk to you. I phone you again tomorrow.

    3. Look at the clouds! It rain.

    Prebacite rečenice u neupravni govor: /6 pts

    e.g. “I speak English.” – he said. => He said that he spoke English.

    1. ‘I am going to the shops now.’ – Tom said.

    2. ‘This shop will be closed tomorrow.’ – said the shop assistant.

    3. ‘Why don’t you go home?’ – Rita asked.

    Dopunite kondicionalne rečenice (sva tri tipa): /6 pts

    1. If people had to move, our cities (become) larger.

    2. If he (remember) to go to the supermarket, we would have had some dinner.

    3. If you visit the Victoria Falls in Africa, you (hear) the terrific noise.

    Prebacite rečenice u pasiv: /6 pts

    e.g. Sam repaired the car. => The car was repaired by Sam.

    1. She spends a lot of money for shoes.

    2. Television has changed our lives in many ways.

    3. The director will give you instructions.

    WRITING /20 pts

    Napišite nekoliko rečenica na zadanu temu. (od 80 do 120 riječi) /20 pts

    1. Describe your job and your lifestyle (personal information, your everyday activities, hobbies, interests) and why you want to learn English.